Healing and Counselling Services

When our consciousness is increased, we also become aware of the beauty in and around us.

Have you ever felt like you are experiencing an internal conflict, between your mind and your heart so to speak? Or would you like to do something, for instance follow a study but you just cannot seem to make up your mind? Or have you made up your mind but cannot get yourself going? Or are you experiencing physical or emotional discomfort?

These are situations, to name a few in which Reiki and Counselling focused on awareness could provide answers where your mind cannot.

Healing & Counselling

As supporting services to the Spiritual, Personal Development and Life Purpose activities. With the objective to help start the increase of awareness, the gaining of clarity and to help find inspiration to move forward in your chosen direction.


My name is Denise. While I have a background in Information Technology, one of the core tasks I performed for over 20 years is to work with people on understanding their need for change, in the area of their work processes and/or systems. I would subsequently help them find the right solutions and requirements and implement the desired changes in a way which suited all stakeholders.

At one point my interest was sparked by Qi (energy) and it lead me on my own journey of holistic self discovery, where awareness, learning and healing were emphasized. I am in the process of shifting my focus, knowledge and experience from managing changes to systems and process to managing changes in and to individuals by focusing on enabling, guiding and transferring knowledge of spiritual and personal development and life purpose fulfillment.

I am a certified Reiki healer and I have had training in raining in Counselling and Coaching and offer Counselling as an additional service to Reiki healing. Reiki is a form of energetic healing which can be practiced from a distance or on a person.

Certified Natural Healer Reiki Master


1 – A Reiki, healing sessions last between 20 minutes and ¾ of an hour. The session is performed remotely.

2 – A counselling sessions lasts half an hour and can only be booked before or after a Reiki session.


The initial intake session will be free of charge.

Every session costs: Eur 25 per session Payment is done by payment request through the “tikkie” system, appointments can be cancelled up to 24 hours prior to the appointment. Payment will be requested between 24 and 12 hours before the session. Payment has to be made, at the latest 12 hours prior to the session.


The initial intake session will be done online, in the intake session we will discuss your request and we both decide whether we continue to an appointment or not. The sessions will be held online or otherwise video call.

For the time being the actual counselling session will also be held online due to Covid-19.


To request a Reiki healing or Counselling session, you can send a message by providing your details in the fields below, in the Message field please describe your counselling request. I will then schedule an intake appointment with you.