Gods divine love through the eyes of contractual agreements and karmic debts

An example of how we make contractual agreements in heaven and here on earth we incur karmic debt which allows us to learn and grow as we resolve and release our debt.

Allow God to drive when you no longer can

I don”t know about you but I was so accustomed to fixing all the wrongs in my life. I really believed I could fix everything. That was until “everything and more” came to me at once in a horrible way and I got overwhelmed. Thats when divine interventions started happening and I was fully conscious about it. I did not ask for it nor did I pray for it but God gave it to me willingly, freely and unconditionally! I was already on a path of elevating my energetic consciousness but its… Read More

When we fail to see the light around us

If and when a day comes that you fail to see the light around you, look within to when you felt fragile, to when you felt loved, happy. To when you felt care and compassion etc. These are the states of love which allow you to connect with others in the light. It is in thd light that we are balanced, at peace. Remember We are all a part of Gods Divine Light! love always D-Light

“The mountain” in the dark night of the soul.

Reflecting revelations ftom the dark knight It’s Gods intention that we do not fear what we see, because his love for us is so great that hé wishes us to evolve to our highest self. Thank you dear God for noticing me, for valueing all I did out of love when all my action were not valued at all. You valued my actions with another action of love by propelling me straight to the highest heights which is my highest self. That’s how great your love for me is, you want only… Read More

The Takeover level 2 – Moving to Surinam

How the takeover events grew in intensity in my life and reached another level, in an attempt to not just lower our vibrations but in essence end us! But the plan failed because of Gods divine & loving protection! God is not only mighty but he’s also so loving and caring at the sane time! No weapon forged against those in the light shall ever prosper! Thank you dear God for keeping us all safe! Let only the authentic truth touch you from the source of life. Stay in the light and… Read More

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VLOG – The Takeover

The time has come to shed divine light on my own stories of incredible events I’m experiencing. I believe that our spirit, mind and body can be under attack and that for me my mind and spirit are currently under attack. I also believe the attacks have different levels of severity. I will be sharing these stories level by level. I’m sharing this for both my healing and that of others! You can overcome anything you want to! We are infinitely greater than any event thrown at us! Love always Dlight

Spotlight – Outcry the Story of Greg Kelley

Last weekend I saw the story of Greg Kelley in the documentary Outcry. A young man wrongfully accussed and wrongfully punished. It was hard at times to watch this being in a similar position. Instead of putting me & my family in prison, they have built a prison around us, by hijacking everything in our lives in such a way that we have been relieved of our liberties. God is mighty! God is great! And God is justice! I still can’t wrap my mind around how people can just willfully choose to… Read More

VLOG on Injustice

Fight injustice by standing up for your right from your light! We are not each others enemy, find out how we relate to each other from our light.

The Take Over

Energetic shifts through the Take Over explained