Raising your energetic level

There are truly some dark times which have come upon us, which have the potential to lower our energy level and if it stays low for a long time the lower level can latch on to us and do us more harm than good.

Fortunately for us we can do something about how we feel, there is a technique which is referenced as “raising vibrations”, which entails engaging yourself which leads to positivity, sometimes we forgot the things which lead us to positivity and allow us to uplift our energetic level to increase positive thoughts, feelings and actions. (source: see also https://naturalhealer.com.au and https://theawakenedstate.net/the-divine-creator-crafting-the-new-identity/you-are-a-universe-hands/)

I believe a learning experience for me consists of being aware of something, gaining knowledge about it, experimenting or trying it out (and evaluating the results) and subsequently to understand it. And I believe we are here to experience, experience and experience and then some more.

Anyway I live in an environment where positivity seems to be challenged continuously and it is very hard for me to get used to or accept it because the fact that positivity and happiness are being challenged, is almost alien to me, it is the opposite of the way I live or even would want to live. So I had to revert to the higher level of Divine Universal purpose to make sense of this and from that perspective I had to come to terms that this has to be part of the Divine Universal purpose and from that part touch my higher purpose.

So I refocused on myself again and my own purpose which is coming through and thought let me start writing down positive things, lets see if I can intentionally increase substantially raise my vibrations.

And you know what I started the list and as I wrote one thing after the other, the ones which I myself actually experienced, brought back wonderful memories and made me smile and it raised my energetic level!

That is how easy it could be! Does anyone have more to add? I may have forgotten some or not be aware of others which increase your energetic level and in essence makes you feel happy!

I hope you truly enjoy recalling based on this list and feel free to return more for me to add!

-Positive affirmations (I love myself, I love others, life is beautiful ….)

-Expressing gratitude

-Cherishing your loved ones & Expressing your love

-Surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people

-Helping others, especially innocent people and/or people in need of help

-Doing anything which makes you happy, without making other people sad

-Listening to uplifting music or a beautiful song which gives you goosebumps

-Playing music

-Using your imagination to create something you like, love, think of as beautiful

-Drawing something you like, love, think is beautiful

-Healing someone or something

-Telling a joke, even if you yourself have to laugh while telling it

-Recalling positive memories (including harmless mistakes with funny results)

-Sharing positive memories with loved ones, as often as feels good

-Dancing alone

-Dancing with others

-Watching a movie which makes your cry and release something

-Watching a movie which makes you laugh

-Watching a movie which gives you a feeling of hope

-Planning a trip or an outing together with people you care about

-Sharing wonderful news

-Preparing and/or eating your favorite meal

-Eating your favorite sweets

-Surprising someone with a present -Pull a prank, scare someone

-Smelling a flower